Saturday 4 August 2012

Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a rough ride.

The smell of fresh flowers and wet towels greeted me as I walked through the door. A fake smile to the left and another to the right. The path to my destination was tight and narrow, and as I fumbled to take my place strangers gaped at me which was routine. I tightened the belt around me that was supposed to save me from having a head on collision with the seat in front. A few blinks, announcements and plastic flavored peanuts later the lights switched off. Take Off Time.
It started off real slow, preparing me for the high velocity takeoff. I could see the world swish by me, blue merged with green merged with brown, my eyes unable to adjust, my ears tuned out without my consent . I felt like someone pushed me as the back of my head fell back and hit my own seat, " Why isn't there a belt to save us from that thump?" I asked myself quickly. 
But then there it was, the serene blue sky, way above the world I've grown to both love and hate so much. The head bump was forgotten and my clogged ears could hear clearly again, everything that seemed so big to me seemed so tiny, so small relative to the height at which I was viewing it.
Suddenly, the airplane jumped, bad weather conditions we were informed. Just because right now you are above the planet that harbors billions of people does not necessarily mean that you have escaped its calamities. A reminder.

My life is pretty much like our "every-other day" airplane trip, currently taking off. Everything is blurring around me, changing so fast and so much it scares me. A best friend ready to start a new life, others getting jobs and the end of my undergraduate university life slowly creeping on me. Why do we have to call it the end and not the beginning? Beginning has a positive connotation associated with it, the end just seems so final so ultimate, like nothing good is awaiting us at the other end.
 I sometimes feel like I'm making no progress, walking backwards instead of striding forward. Thump! Reminds me of the head bump. Maybe you need to have a little setback in order to move forward. The Law of Inertia.
But I know and I'm sure as I'm filled with this new hope that my life will soar if I don't take these setbacks to heart and allow them to bring me down, I want my setbacks to be the cause of my success. Every success story after all starts with misery.

But we must never forget no matter how much God gives us, how much we achieve even if it makes us feel like we are above all people, that its a two way road to success. To fall down is hard in all its essence as we are constantly reminded.
Being humble is the way around pride, its opposite, its solution. Humility is such an attractive quality. To remember all the friends that help you made it, to remember that when they need you. To remember your family irrespective of how supportive they were, to remember that you owe them your life. To remember that not everyone is as lucky as you are, to remember that there are strangers out there that need your help. 
There is a noose around all  success stories and as long as your feet are on the ground your story won't hang to death.

However, one day all our airplanes must land, go back to where we belong. We were made from mud and clay and we must return back to it they say. 
But will it be a perfect safe landing or will you crash your way down there? Will that be our end or possibly a new beginning? Will we enter heaven or be thrown into the deepest pit of hell ?

 P.S. When I say humans are made of mud and clay and that they must be buried I'm referring to the Muslim belief. Also,  inertia is what comes into play when you are sitting in the bus and you move backwards when the bus abruptly moves forward . Famous example. 


  1. Well at the end of every ultimate journey lies a new beginning and what we must realize is that not every end is final and there is and will be something to look forward to. great read, well written, i like :)
