Wednesday 8 August 2012

Roads were made to walk on so move along.

She hugged him tight as their legs intertwined under the blanket. It was warm but she did not want to let go of him she ,however wasn't sure whether he felt the same way. She looked up towards him, he was after all much taller than her, his eyes were closed, his long eyelashes spread neatly along his lids. Sleeping or deep in thought ,she wondered. Insecurities, that's what brought it all down, everything that made waking up in the morning less of a chore.

I've never been good at letting go. Letting go of relationships, friends, memories, belongings anything I have an emotional attachment with which is why I'm still in touch with friends from middle school and have a lot of junk rotting at home. Letting go of people most times is not a choice we get to make, its made for us. 
Its important to let go if we ever dream of being happy, forget about the ones that don't remember us and forget about the trouble they've caused. We must make a conscious effort to let go of the feelings, people and all that weight that is dragging us down.

Moving away is one reason why people lose contact and dealing with that can sometimes be very hard. For me its a regular affair, you'd think I would be an expert in dealing with such situations but it only gets harder for me every time as the list continues to grow.

She looked down at the photo of the friend she used to know, what stood in front of her now was far from what it used to be.

Have you ever noticed how the people that leave always promise so much to the ones they leave behind. Promise to stay in touch, promise to never forget, promise to never change. Only fools make promises that they cannot keep but the most  foolish ones are those that believe. People change, that's how we are programmed to be. The purpose of time is to move on just like our lives and the people in them after all there's a reason why they call it leaving behind. Friends change, lifestyles change, attitudes change. The question is, will we still be together? Will I still mean the same to you?
When the answers to these questions are not what you anticipated them to be then you know its time to move on. 

The worst cause of separation is not being distant physically, but emotionally. The person leaves  you with vague reasons and self blame to deal with. With emotional distancing there are no questions, no trying. Someone does not want to share their happiness or sadness with you and therefore it is important that you move on. Letting go of strong feelings is a hard thing to do, to substitute the love with hate or much worse, indifference. 
The path of letting go is usually a spiral, a spiral downwards or upwards and this is a choice you get to make. 

She tried to drink her misery away, or puff it away with the smoke from her cigarettes. She only felt worse, and much farther away from herself than ever.

I sometimes find it very hard to let go of the love, the hate, the unforgivable sins, different people responsible for each. I constantly try to look for closure so I never have to think of them ever again. I know in order to let go I have to forgive them for their mistakes and myself for mistakes that I've committed. 

Even after letting go usually some memories remain. Memories that were once responsible for your happiness but now have nothing more to give yet are hard to let go of like books that you've read but cannot seem to give away. They are etched in your mind and sometimes it's best to let them remain that way than scratch them out and cause more pain.

I hate that my mind is not clouded with thoughts of you. I hate that you are no more important to me and me important to you. I hate that our roads will never coincide. I hate that I had to let go of you.


  1. omg this is was so well written, i could so connect to it.. makes me feel like there are others out there too with the same feelings.. another well written article/muse . a cliche to ur title wud be ' footpaths were made to stop by the side, so enjoy for some moments ' :)

  2. Thank you, once again! I appreciate that I have an ardent reader :)

  3. well expressed..!

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  5. Hey PerfectFlawless, I compose all blogposts on my own. Thank you for reading =)
