Wednesday 1 August 2012

Skin, bones and lots of fat.

Ever since my maid toppled over my favorite jasmine figure that I bought from Disneyland all I've been thinking of is making a trip back to Paris. I can't believe its broken. Sheesh. Jasmine was and is my favorite Disney character, I don't really know why, maybe because she was Asian. Arab, close enough.
I remember as a kid I never had a barbie doll. It's something that's stuck with me even now as I edge closer to twenty one. I'd love to have a collection, along with a house to keep them all in. Who says I am a tomboy, there must be a word representing girls that have interests common to both male and females (Not lesbian!).

Just like the dolls I loved I remember the dolls I hated. The plump dolls with pink cheeks and blonde hair. Who told me that was ugly I'm not really sure, but those dolls were strongly not appreciated by baby me. I guess the notion of beauty is instilled in us as tiny tots.
To think of it I don't remember one fat Disney princess, go ahead think of one. None. 

I'm glad though that slowly but quite steadily thin and beautiful are not used in the same sentence. They shouldn't. Now I'm not talking about being obese and unhealthy, that's a problem. What however annoys me is that being thin these days is being considered as a disease.Very annoying. 

It's normal routine that when you visit relatives they make a point to pass a comment on your appearance. I've been waiting for it to stop, but it never does. It's like they expect you to change your appearance like a shape shifter every time they see you! It's either about your color or your weight, now the issue of color deserves a whole other blog post so I'm only going to concentrate here on weight issues.

 Me and I must say my sister because she is usually on the receiving end, do get hordes of people asking us if we are sick. Sick? At this point I must probably add that being fat and healthy in India is considered as a sign of being happy and prosperous.
Since when did the opposite of fat become sick I have no idea, but these constant questions asking us if we have this disease or another irritates me. What fascinates me is that passing a nasty comment on thin people  is considered to be harmless, how is being flat chested or having toothpick legs not an insult I don't understand especially when someone darts these words at you in public. It's as if we starve ourselves on purpose, if I really want to disappear there are healthier ways to do so. I may be an apple, a pear, an hourglass or a newspaper, I like who I am.

I personally think people should go on a diet only if they feel uncomfortable and are unhappy with the way their body looks not because someone thinks their body is ugly. People are never going to stop pointing out your flaws, the moment you try to make someone happy there's another standing in line to express their disgust over the choice you made.

On the other hand, I know that people sometimes genuinely care, so if you are really worried about someone's weight and health, take them in a corner and ask them with empathy not sympathy. 
Nobody likes to be pointed or poked at in public cages, not even animals. 

P.S. If you know someone who is thinner or fatter than normal for their age, don't gape or insult. If you have nothing nice to say, then maybe just maybe you shouldn't say anything at all. And if you don't know what a shape shifter is you MUST watch Supernatural.


  1. Best post till date! Your grammar has improved SO much as well.

  2. Haha! Thanks! At least we are communicating electronically. =)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
