Monday 25 June 2012

"How can I pretend that I don't see what you hide so carelessly."

I had a really weird dream last night, weirder than usual I must add. Usually, I don't remember my dreams( somehow I only remember having them) but this particular dream sort of left me with a lingering feeling, feeling of loss, of misplaced identity. It's weird that dreams though being highly imaginative leave you with such realistic feelings. After I woke up I tried hard to shake off the feeling, obviously because it was insane to think about something that never happened. And then it hit me, my dream was someone's reality. Someone I did  not know, someone who had to face this loss on their own, someone was going through this feeling and did not have the luxury to shake it off, but live with it. 
Losing someone or something almost always buries in us a seed of pain. A seed that flourishes within you if not dealt with appropriately. There's a lot we can learn from painful experiences, some of which ride on the happiness of other people. 
Pain sort of hardens you, provides you from immunity towards issues that bothered you earlier, because somehow now these issues seem so little compared to what you are going through. Some of us get so used to it that we begin to consider it normal, just like our eyes adjust to darkness once the lights are off, similarly we make ourselves comfortable within the lairs of sadness, pain and darkness. Most of us however, want it to stop, want to take what we rightfully deserve but somehow cannot seem to take the first step. To get out of any painful experience you need to break the shackles, the shackles of insecurity, contempt for self and low self esteem.
It's important to know yourself, to know who you are and what you deserve. Self worth is very important, because there are many people who feed of your pain. Sadism, as much as we deny it, exists in each one us in varying quantities. Sadly, it makes sadistic people happy seeing that someone is doing worse than they are. How it by any means make their pain easier I have no idea, but if they weren't sad in the first place they wouldn't inflict it on another is essential to notice.
Somehow depressed people unknowingly spread their malady.You know how they say that when you are really depressed and sad you must talk to someone about it, well I agree with it, but I think some people abuse this advice. Moping and telling your sad tales to someone constantly not only makes you focus on your pain even more, but now the other person feels as sad as you do. It's then like a disease that spreads rapidly and fast.
Most of us then opt for temporary fixes, like excessive drinking and smoking and blowing your life up into puffs of cocaine smoke. Doesn't the pain hurt you mentally enough that you now resort to physically hurt yourself? For how long does it make you feel better, definitely not forever, because you probably won't even live half that long. Doesn't that seem cowardly then? Your attitude screams that you don't care about yourself, your life much worse want to end it, but since you don't have the courage, you opt for an option that makes you feel good temporarily while it does its job.
Realistically, we may often be inflicted with pain that might not have a quick cure, hell it may not have a cure at all, that only means we have to find it in ourselves to be brave enough to live with it. To stare at it in the face and not flinch, no eye twitches and no disgust. But it must be within us, the determination; we must want to be out of its clawing reach. We must strengthen ourselves; arm ourselves with smiles, happy people and most importantly a positive attitude.
It never rains equally in all parts of the earth, every part of the earth goes through a different weather and the best part is it always changes.Remember.The sun faces the earth but its rays never reach every inch of the planet equally. However there is no city where light never reaches, no city where darkness never fades.Remember.

P.S. the worst kind of "normal" people are the ones who see a loved one or for that matter even a passerby suffering but decide to look away, for one reason or another. Let's not do that. Nothing is more important than your happiness. The more happy people, the more good energy they spread and the better the world. =)

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