Sunday 17 June 2012

Kiss of Death.

66. 66 days until my birthday. Isn't that also supposed to be the devil's number, bad day to start the countdown to my birthday. To be honest I'm not really the birthday type. I don't expect extravagant gifts and  surprise parties are a complete no-no. For that matter I'm not even an anniversary person or montheversary or weekeversary or whatever eversary people celebrate these days. By the way my autocorrect wants these words corrected, no offence to people who celebrate these uh well monthly or weekly festivals.
I don't think that the amount of time people spend with each other is in anyway proportional to what they feel for each other. Its quality not the quantity.
Anyway, this year I am looking even less forward to my birthday for reasons obvious to people who know how old I am going to turn. Marriage.
Now when exactly did marriage become a substitute for the word END. I was (and I am saying was because my opinion on this matter has changed considerably in recent times) not really allergic to this notion nor was I particularly fond of it. I never thought too much about it, well until now that my time is coming closer. See, it's sort of like old men talking about the END of their lives.
When I ask most of my friends what they think about getting married or settling down they actually moan. What I've also noticed is pity. Pitying people who are getting married way before us. Why? What you must remember is that I'm only talking from a girl's or must I say a woman's point of view. Men, well another day.
But this is important for men to read because the reason why women fear marriages these days, wait for it, is MEN!
The problem is that many of us have lives where we, I'm not going to say entirely, but we pretty much run our lives. We have our own friends, our college life or work, we sleep when we want to, we eat what we want to and talk to whoever we want. In short we do what we want to. At least, 80 out of 100 times.
Now when MEN come into the picture, things get complicated. You basically work the entire day, holiday is not a holiday if there's housework to do, remember.You cannot wake up when you want to, instead you wake up when he wakes up for work and you don't only eat but also have to make what he likes. Add to this few arguments about his mother/sister, *eversaries, shopping, vacations and friends. That to me sounds like the end of my life. Sigh.
All we want is a little bit of air of our own to breathe in. Now what that cloud of air refers to differs from girl to girl. But if anyone's asking me it's playtime on PS3, lots of time with my friends, don't worry about shopping I'll make my own mint as well as my own decisions and sometimes I'll cook bad food, just eat it! I don't plan on filling your mother's shoes I'm here to be your friend and expect you to be mine. Is that too hard?

P.S. Sorry for using numbers & mentioning words such as proportionality  my choice of major is responsible for this. Moreover, when i said friends it also includes my sister (because I do not want to fight any cold wars). Most importantly, when I said I don't expect extravagant gifts it doesn't include my friends. They are always  looking for excuses. And no offence to people who celebrate *eversaries we all need to be silly sometimes ;)
* - substitute with any kind of eversaries you indulge in.


  1. "nor was I particularly fond of it." LOL. Yeah, Right!

  2. Lol i said my opinion has changed in recent times!!! LOL
